Thursday, October 3, 2013

All about global change

Global warming downgraded to a sultry afternoon

I think the 'scientific community' is going to slowly back away from the anthropogenic global warming myth that they bought into in the hopes that the general public will just forget about it over time. They now know that the key figures in the AGW conspiracy cherry-picked and falsified data, used invalid computer models to produce desired results and then destroyed evidence of their malfeasance. They initially circled the wagons around Mann, Jones and the others, but they will not go down with that ship. The rest of the scientific community is going to try to put as much distance as they can from these charlatans; lest they get caught in the eventual reckoning.
I'll go out on a limb and predict that in spite of mounting evidence that there is no anthropogenic global warming, liberal politicians will continue to pursue anti-industrial policies that will cost us dearly. Twenty years down the road, when there has been decades of global non-warming there will still be liberals shoving destructive laws down our throats to limit our carbon footprint. Environmentalism is just another bit of dogma in the Church of Liberalism. They are so blinded by their belief that they are 'saving the planet' they will refuse to listen to any reason.

Scientists struggle to explain why global warming theories aren't working

But, but.......I though global warming was settled science.

Dirty coal slowing global warming. Wha? Huh?

In my lifetime I have seen the environazis claim that pollution would cause a catastrophic ice age. Then they said that pollution would cause catastrophic (what else) global warming. As the real world data supported neither of these arguments, they then invented the much more vague, but equally ominous threat of catastrophic climate change. That would let them hedge their bets, regardless of what happened to the environment. Whatever the perceived crisis, the solution is always the same; the industrialized Western nations must curb their growth and standard of living. Never any call for the third world countries to clean up their acts; just us. Oddly enough, that conforms rather nicely to their Marxist mindset. Cut down the achievers to make everybody "equal". No matter what the real or imagined problem, a leftist will always come up with the same solution; government control and redistribution of wealth.

RS: The dog ate my global warming

Over the last two decades we have seen the politicization and corruption of science. The scientific method is supposed to be self-correcting, because if a hypothesis cannot be proven by empirical evidence that is repeatable and verifiable by other observers then it is false. That's the way it is supposed to work. Why is it then that climatology doesn't conform to the scientific method? Maybe it is because the scientist who have perpetrated the anthropogenic global warming hoax are driven by ideology rather than science. I would go so far as to suggest that all environmental sciences should now be viewed with great suspicion. The people corrupted the scientific method in pursuit of an ideological objective. The hoax that they foisted on the world has cost the industrialized nations trillions in lost wealth and has retarded the growth of the developing world. These scientists should be treated as the criminals they are.

Obama's new EPA regulations will gut coal industry

This is just unbelievable. There has been no warming in 16 years, the theories linking global temperatures to human CO2 emissions have been invalidated, the debunked theories were based on shoddy and suspect data and the proponents of the theory of AGW have been exposed trying to cover up their scientific fraud......yet the liberals are still using global warming as an excuse to do what they have always wanted to do; destroy the advantage that our advanced industrial society has given Western nations over the rest of the world. No RESPONSIBLE politician would enact legislation and regulatory controls that would cost our country trillions and destroy jobs if there was even the slightest question that the problem was real. The climategate emails alone call into question the entire myth surrounding anthropogenic global warming. Add to that the recent temperature data showing no warming and the lack of tracking between CO2 emissions and temperature and you would have to be a fool or want to deliberately harm our economy to pursue these policies.

Networks ignore important global warming news - there hasn't been any in years

Laws and regulations driven by the global warming hoax have cost the economies of Western nations trillions in unneeded costs and lost productivity. These laws have also helped reduce economic growth in developing countries. Liberals still push carbon emission laws in spite of the fact that there has been no warming in over a decade and most of the anthropogenic global warming climate models do not even come close to supporting empirical findings. The leading proponents of the AGW 'theory' have been shown by leaked emails to be actively trying to suppress opposition to their so called 'research'. They have openly defied FOIA requests for information on their research, they have destroyed damning evidence and they have attempted to destroy the reputations of those who question AGW dogma. These are not the actions of real scientists, but that of criminal conspirators seeking to shield themselves from investigation. Given all this, it is inconceivable that any government would doggedly continue to push legislation and executive action that would harm the economy and the people in the name of such a suspect theory. That should tell you all you need to know. Liberals do what their emotions tell them; not logic or facts. They cling to their ideology with the fanaticism of doomsday cultists. They will destroy our economy with no reservations, because they think they are helping the Earth heal. That the Earth is not damaged is of no concern to them. They BELIEVE that mankind is destroying the environment. That's all that matters. They are convinced that they are morally and intellectually superior to their opponents and they will not let any facts get in the way. The liberal-dominated news media will continue to hide any evidence that AGW is a hoax. They are effectively part of this criminal conspiracy that will cost our nation dearly.

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