Monday, October 7, 2013

The purpose of the government shutdown

Create the maximum amount of pain felt by the maximum number of people and reported by the maximum number of liberal journalists.  Simple as that.  The blame game.

RS McCain - Extremely extreme extremists

Here is a good explanation of what is really happening with the federal budget and who caused it. R.S. McCain rightfully lays the blame with the Democrats, but I would also direct a little of that blame towards the Republican leadership. The TEA Party Republicans have been fighting this mess since 2009; however, the Republican leadership has done absolutely nothing of substance to stop Obama and his merry band of socialists. Boehner, Mitchell, McCain, Graham, Cantor, Michael Steele and Reince Priebus and the rest of the establishment Republicans have done nothing but capitulate to every Obama initiative since the PPACA passed. Their unwillingness to oppose the damage that the Democrats were inflicting on the country makes them just as guilty in my mind.

This country has developed a political class that is more concerned with maintaining the structures of federal power than they are with serving the needs of the people. The political class exists to grow and protect the institutions of government. It does whatever is necessary to protect its power, even if it is diametrically opposed to the will of the citizens. It is a cancer that is metastasizing throughout our nation. The existence of a professional government class is antithetical to the principles on which this nation was founded. If we do not break their grip on our government, America, as we know it, will not survive.

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