Sunday, October 6, 2013

America rotting from within

America will never be conquered by a foreign power, but we will not survive the corrosive effects of Americans who do feel their country is worth fighting for.

Iconic photo almost excluded from 9/11 Memorial Museum

No terrorists will ever destroy America, but people like this museum director certainly will. People like him cannot differentiate good from evil. That lack of morality is the real threat to our nation. Our constitution provides for unprecedented individual liberty and freedom. Individual liberty can only survive in a society that is grounded in morality.

NRO - Ashamed of patriotism

This tells us all we need to know about America's Leftists. They have been indoctrinated practically since birth to always question everything about America; to always see only the negative. This behavior, which borders on mental illness, is the direct result of the cancer known as the Frankfurt School's 'critical theory' being spread throughout academia. America is the greatest nation to every grace the Earth. America is the home of freedom and liberty. America has brought personal and economic freedom to hundreds of millions around the world. We are not without our faults, but tell me who on Earth is better. Instead of accepting and championing the greatness of America, they try to infect our culture with their failed and unworkable Utopian fantasies. This is how great civilizations die; rotted from within by those who benefit from the labors and sacrifice of their forebears, yet are unwilling to do what is necessary to maintain their society.

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