Lawless Aristocracy for a Dominated People
An absolute must read about the state of the rule of law in our country. We have thousands and thousands of laws that have given birth to millions of pages of regulations. Our government now has control over almost every aspect of our lives with an enormous, invasive bureaucracy that crushes individual freedoms. Even if not in violation of the myriad of laws and regulations, the sheer weight of compliance can be used as a weapon. Amid this crushing burden of regulatory compliance we have the Washington elite who feel that they are not bound by the same laws that we all are. And to make it worse, they are willing to ignore blatant illegal activity if it is politically expedient. Our country cannot survive if the rule of law is not recognized by ALL. That means that everybody, whether an elected official, government official or private citizen are all equal before the law. And our elected representatives may not just ignore or excuse illegalities in exchange for votes.
RS - Trust in Government Dies With the Rule of Law
We cannot believe the promises of either political party anymore. We must hold them to account for their ACTIONS. When they lie to us they must be removed from office. Today's career politicians have become very comfortable with acting in their own self interest, even when that is at odds with the interests of the citizens they are supposed to represent. That attitude was created and nurtured by voter apathy. People have become overwhelmed with a flood of trivialities that distract them from what is really important. We are no longer in the America where the rule of law is firm and the majority have America's best interest at heart. We cannot just expect our government to operate on autopilot and ensure the freedom that we have always enjoyed. We all have to be involved in government to bring back accountability.
Mark Steyn - Unconstitutional Monarchy
This cannot be stressed enough. The constitutional duty of the executive branch is to implement, maintain and enforce the laws passed by the Congress. The executive branch does not have the option to selectively implement or enforce those laws. That would be a violation of the Constitution; in other words a high crime or, at least a misdemeanor. Either of which should result in impeachment proceedings.
Presidential lawlessness
When it become obvious that the government does not hold itself to the same laws that it forces on its citizens there will be revolt. The social contract is broken and the citizens will see no need to follow the laws of a government that no longer represents them. While the Democrats and their allies in the media are trying to distract you with stories of rodeo clowns and fake racism this is actually happening. It is time to hold the government accountable. We have allowed the formation of a ruling class in this country; those who are elected to and those who serve government. This government class thinks that you are here to serve them. They are elitists who think you do not have the intellect and sophistication to run your own life. They think that they are more capable than you to run your life. They can't be bothered by trivialities like laws; those are for you, not them. Well, it's time to destroy their little fantasy world. We need term limits for all levels of government. We need to dramatically reduce the size of government. We need to abolish all government employee unions. And we need to restore the Tenth Amendment to its original purpose. In short, we need to break the grip that the government class has on our nation and restore representative democracy.
Obama casually mentions that he doesn't feel he has to abide by the law
Well, at least Obama is now openly admitting that he will only enforce those laws that suit his purposes. I hate those tyrants who pretend that they are abiding by the Constitution. So there are two things to take away from this shocking admission. 1) We are no longer living in a constitutional republic. 2) If our "leaders" no longer feel that they must obey the law then there is no reason for us to obey the law. The social contract has been violated. Elections and laws mean nothing if those who are elected refuse to abide by the laws of our land. This will bring us to a point where Americans will have to make a choice. Many patriotic Americans already made that choice. They took an oath to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES against all enemies, foreign or domestic.
The law means nothing to them
I cannot stress this enough. The Obama Administration has, on numerous occasions, chosen to ignore their constitutional duty to implement and enforce federal law. The rule of law means nothing to these people. This is not how our government is supposed to work. The president needs to be impeached immediately. And if the Republicans in the House of Representatives do not do so they need to be removed from office and replaced by elected representatives of the people who will actually obey their oath of office.
Canada is restoring freedom as the US is moving the other direction
After 37 years of liberal tyranny, Canada has finally done away with Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. That deceptively named act actually was used to attack those exercising their right to free speech. Here in the United States we seem to be heading the other way. The IRS, the supposedly impartial federal agency that has enormous powers to collect revenue, has been using its powers to punish conservative and religious groups. The Environmental Protection Agency, nominally tasked with the somewhat nebulous task of protecting the environment, has been used to punish political opponents of Barack Obama. The Obama Administration is using the power and reach of federal agencies to attack anybody who opposes it or who might make it look bad. That is what you call tyranny. No sense candy coating it. It is tyranny. We need to do what Canada did; rise up against a tyrannical government and restore constitutional authority. 2014 is coming. It's time to stop voting based on emotional response to trivial issues and who has the best hair. It is time to vote based on who will obey the Constitution.
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