Friday, October 4, 2013

Women in combatant roles

Lower the standards and ignore the results

CJCS appeasing the feminists

"Lower the standards and ignore the results." This quote from a 1997 Naval Institute Proceedings article immediately came to mind when I read about General Dempsey's comments. 
The former commanding officer of MCRD Parris Island wrote the following in 1997. It is just as applicable today as it was then:

"Sometime during 1990, a Canadian lieutenant colonel, touring Parris Island, visited my office. His purpose there was to learn how the Marine Corps trains its women recruits. When asked why, he answered that Canada's politicians had decreed that his command conduct gender-integrated recruit training; the program had been implemented as directed and, in his view, was failing. Realizing that Canada has not cornered the market on politicians capable of issuing such edicts, I expressed the thought that it might be better if we were to visit his command and learn how to do what we might also eventually be ordered to do. His response was unforgettable. There was no need for the visit because, in his words, all one need do is "lower the standards and ignore the results." On further questioning, he noted that the "ignore the results" portion referred not only to reduced levels of physical performance but also to sexual harassment, the use of sex to gain favors, and the divisiveness caused by those two."

7 myths about women in combat

Let's leave social engineering out of the armed forces. For all the BS you hear about fairness and constitutionality, the one absolute is that warfare doesn't give a crap about either. We limit the constitutional rights of those serving in our military because we understand that warfare and civil society are not the same and cannot be governed by the same rules of conduct. I joined the armed forces knowing that I would not enjoy the same freedom of speech rights that my civilian counterparts had. It was a choice that I willingly made in order to serve my country. I realized that the good order and discipline of the service required significant sacrifices on my part. I am sick and tired of politicians, most of whom have never served their country, engaging in social engineering of the armed forces, not with the intent of making our military stronger, but as a crass attempt to gain political favor.

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